čtvrtek 7. ledna 2010

O HTML5 zpíval už Bob Dylan (video uvnitř)

Možná tu píseň znáte ve verzi The Times They Are A-Changin'. Její méně známá verze ovšem zpívá o změnách v HTML5.

Poslechněte si ji v interpretaci Daniela Davise z Opery. Nemá sice tak pěkný hlas jako Bob Dylan, ale zas pěkně hraje na tu malou kytaru, které se správně říká ukulele.

Anebo trochu živější interpretaci v podání Bruce Lawsona (rovněž z Opery!):

Text v sobě skrývá mnoho pravdy ze standardizačního prostředí.

HTML5 – It is a Changin’

by Jeffrey G. Allen

Come gather ’round coders
wherever you roam
And admit that internet
Around you has grown
And accept that soon
A new spec will stand on its own.
If your skills to you
Are worth savin’
Then you better starting learnin’
Or you’ll sink like a stone
For HTML5 it is a-changin’.

Come designers and developers
who prophesize with your blog
And keep your mind wide
this chance won’t come again
And don’t speak to soon
For the spec is still in spin
And there’s no telling who
will be recodin’.
For the early adopter now
Will be later to win
For HTML5 it is a-changin’.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t sit on your thumbs
In the gathering hall
for he that gets lost
will be he who has stalled
There’s a spec in the works
And it’s changin’.
It’ll soon trim down your code
And add meanin’
For HTML 5 it is a-changin’.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
Learn to use content filters
And help to fight spam
Your sons and your daughters
Have gone mobile
And you’re old ways of surfing
is rapidly changin’.
Please get off the new one
If you can’t understand
For HTML 5 it is a changin’.

The spec it is out
It is Working Draft
The current one now
will later be past
As the new one
will venture to last
The spec is
rapidly changin’
And the current one now
will later be last
for HTML5 it is a changin’.

Po Internetu ovšem kolují rozmanité varianty, např.

Come Zeldman and Meyer
Malarkey and Mols
Let your songs of web standards
Ring in the halls.
And the lessons you teach
disseminate to one and all.
For the web that you now know
is not what you knew
For HTML 5 it is a changin’.


Mozilla and Safari,
Opera and IE,
HTML 5 needs your help
To be all it can be,
Wide browser support
Would help tremendously
And don’t forget about support for CSS3
HTML 5 It is a changin’

Na tento úžasný šlágr upozornila Molly E. Holzschlag.

Nedalo mi to a vzpomněl jsem si i na svůj HTML5 trailer, který jsem před lety vytvořil experimentuje s videem.

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