čtvrtek 10. května 2007


Včera večer Dan Connolly potvrdil výsledky hlasování.
The results clearly show a critical mass of support for all 3 parts of the proposal, though not quite consensus.

The arguments behind the objections were concerns around the relationship to XForms


and the relationship to HTML4 and SGML

So while the survey results don't show consensus, it seems that we have a critical mass of support and a feasible means to address the remaining objections over time.
Stručně řečeno, jelikož jasná většina hlasovala ve všech bodech pro, bude je skupina považovat za odsouhlasené, aby mohla pokračovat ve své práci, ale pokusí se soustředit i na námitky vzešlé z tohoto hlasování a vyřešit je (pravděpodobně nějakým kompromisem).
We are resolved, then, that the W3C's next-generation HTML specification be named "HTML 5" and to start review of the text of the HTML 5 and WF2 specifications, and we welcome Ian Hickson and Dave Hyatt as editors (while remaining open to the possibility of other editors in the future).

We'll soon begin a section-by-section group review of the specification...
Ian Hickson do WHATWG konference napsal:
Going forward, any changes will be committed to both the WHATWG and the W3C repositories simultaneously.

Nothing will especially change about the WHATWG. Feedback sent to this list will still be taken into account, as it always has.
Co myslíte, stane se datum 9.5. 2007 památným dnem webu?

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