Ian Hickson v pátek napsal:
Note: Some people in public-html at w3.org suggested that this would be an area that we should not be working on. However, two separate browser vendors as well as a browser extension developer group have independently contacted me requesting support for this _in person_, as well as by e-mail and over IRC, and in two of those three cases have actively been writing experimental and shipping code to add support for such a feature. This is amongst the highest level of demand I've ever seen for a feature in this spec (the last feature with this level of demand was probably <canvas>). I think it is imperative that we work to obtain a consensus on a single specification for this to enable interoperability on this quite important feature, otherwise we'll see quick fragmentation in this space. I believe HTML is the right place to define this due to the tight integration of any solution here with the loading and browsing context aspects of the current HTML5 spec, as should be obvious from the proposal below.Výrobci prohlížečů webové offline aplikace skutečně chtějí - vzhledem k objevujícím se alternativním platformám není divu. Zajímalo by mne, výrobci kterého druhého prohlížeče po Firefoxu projevují zmiňovaný aktivní zájem. Citovaní "browser extension developer group" budou nejspíš lidé z týmu Google Gears.
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