úterý 24. dubna 2007

Adoptujte HTML5 VI - nedělejte z HTML OOXML

Chrisova esej způsobila rozruch. Hixie a Chris si vyměňují vzkazy přes twitter.

Watching Microsoft unsuspectingly walk down the path towards another antitrust suit.

sorry you think so. Your path heads us toward another one, as we break every customer that depends on us arbitrarily.
Další Hixieho reakce na Chrisovu esej:
Maybe it would help, however, if instead of assuming that compliance to HTML5 will mean broken pages, we worked on the assumption that implementing HTML5 correctly will mean all pages work.
A reakce Chrisova:
Our tools generate standards-compliant content today, not IE-specific content. If they don't, let me know and I can hook you up with the appropriate tools guys to get that fixed.
Vsuvka od Dylana Smitha:
The tag soup out there today was cooked up by authors. The guys in the cube farms whipping out sites need just as much precision as implementors.

Absent some clear guidelines on how to actually use a new spec, it'll be just as abused as the current model.
Matthew Ratzloff se pokouší o shrnutí možných řešení.

Maciej Stachowiak pravděpodobně naráží na OpenXML formát Microsoftu a jeho nepříliš definované značky např. <autoSpaceLikeWord95> (něco podobného by postihlo HTML v případě počítání s historickými chybami IE):
Indeed, even OOXML is widely derided as being a "standard" that only Microsoft can ever implement, apparently by design. I don't think it helps Chris's case to hold it up as a success story.

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