úterý 24. dubna 2007

Adoptujte HTML5 V - Chrisova esej

Máme večer 12. dubna (opět antedatováno), debaty v HTML WG se vracejí do starých kolejí, o adopci se pomalu přestává debatovat (názor pro nějakou formu adopce převážil).

Chris Wilson (předseda HTML WG a vedoucí architekt IE7) zaslal poměrně dlouhou esej vyjadřující jeho názor na budoucí vývoj HTML, zejména na potřebu verzování (odstranění informace o verzi z HTML dokumentů je jedním z bodů HTML5). Chris není v lehké pozici, cítí zodpovědnost jak za vývoj majoritního prohlížeče, tak za HTML WG skupinu a z této eseje to čiší (opravdu doporučuji přečíst celou, zde jen několik citací):
At the time, "quirks mode" defined the current web - all of the top 200 US sites where in "quirks mode".

About a month ago, I tested the top 200 US web sites again. Nearly HALF of them (49%) were serving their content in "standards mode".

I don't want every other browser (and every browser to come) to have to implement IE's bugs. (If you want to, it's fine with me; I just don't think it should be a requirement.

Despite Anne thinking: "standards mode and quirks mode is an unfortunate thing from the past," it is actually quite a great invention, in my opinion; it allowed us to automatically use more standard-compliant behavior without Breaking the Web. Unfortunately, "standards mode" is too widely adopted now, and we break too much compatibility if we change our UA behavior there, so its time has come.

But I do believe IE, far more than anything else, defines the de facto "current web content" specification standard, for better or worse.)
Chris vyvolal řadu reakcí, některé mě poděsily:
The net effect though is that any new browser has to implement both quirks mode and standards mode in order to render the Web. In my opinion it would have been better to specify the quirks mode back then, make that compliant, and only have one rendering mode. Then it would be easier to write a new browser from scratch. It's too late now though, but it's not too late to not introduce even more rendering modes.
Jiné pobavily:
I am *not* advocating version-based opt-in to bug fixes, but if the opt-in idea were to be generalized, I think the generalization would not be declaring the HTML version but something like <html browser-engine-bugs-as-of='2007-04-12'>.
Reakce Hixieho byla odmítavá:
What you're actually talking about offering isn't "standards compliant behavior", but a frozen set of bugs for a particular browser version.

This mode isn't related to HTML releases, or to CSS releases, or WebAPI DOM releases -- it's related to _IE_ releases. If you want a versioning flag in your browser, you should provide an IE versioning flag, not an HTML one.

Introducing a new version freeze every few years will increase the complexity of building a browser by orders of magnitude.

This is one of the worst possible things Microsoft could do to the Web.

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